Posts in: November, 2016

The (Drug) Price Is (Sort Of) Right! (Sometimes)

Spending the day, as I often do, listening to company conference presentations and/or–in today’s case, and–meetings with management teams.  Today, I’m in drug world (no, not the way you might think).

So what’cha got?  Some interesting sidelights on drug pricing from a conference presentation this morning, given by a company, Neurocrine

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The Science of Thanksgiving

Brownian motion (brounēən ˈmōSHən)

1. The erratic random movement of microscopic particles in a fluid, as a result of continuous bombardment from molecules of the surrounding medium.

2. The activity of a crowd of middle-aged men calling home on their cellphones as they wander the aisles in Whole Foods on Thanksgiving morning.

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228 Years of (Electoral) College Down The Drain

So let’s look at this dispassionately and with an eye to some inconsistencies that are uncomfortably popping up.  Yes, she got more votes than he did, but the compactness of the votes, as it were, is what pushed the election over to him (you can talk

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