Posts in: October, 2016

Happy Trafalgar Day!

Well, yes, since you ask, it is Trafalgar Day, and how better to celebrate it than with one of Maurice Gibb’s greatest moments? The pièce de résistance of the group’s “Sad Beatles” Era, the best John Lennon song John Lennon never wrote, and one of my fave rave Bee

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Happy Syddleversary!



Two years and six weeks ago, we lost the love of our lives, an eighteen-year-old, withered-legged cancer survivor (three years!) chihuahua-terrier mix formally known as Mr. President, but at home Hot Diggity Dog, or just plain Diggita.

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Popular, Inc. (BPOP-$38.47) No stress, I PROMESA you!

So you end up following things you don’t entirely expect, and one of those, at the beginning of this year, was the biggest bank in Puerto Rico, Popular Inc. (BPOP). Having had some exposure to the overall situation in the commonwealth by my positions in some bond insurers, which are

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